Thursday, April 22, 2010


Saturn's rings are made of water and ice. The ring are divided into 7 divisions which are D,C,B,A,F,G, and E. F and G are very thin and difficult to see and the A,B, and C rings are more visible. Between the A and B rings are a gap called the Cassini division which was named after Giovanni Cassini who discovered it. Between the A and F rings is a gap called the Keeler gap.

A black hole is a place in space where nothing including light can escape. It is called black because it absorbs all light that hits it and reflects none of it. The black hole's energy bends light. Its interior is invisible and can only be seen by its interaction with other objects. Around the black hole is an event horizon where matter and light can only go inwards.

The Milky way is the galaxy where the solar system is. It is a barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies. The sun revovles around the center of the galaxy. The Milky way has a bulge, disk, and a halo. The halo and bulge contain old stars and the disk is filled with new stars, gas, and dust. The galaxy is at least 5 billion years old.

Mars if the fourth planet away from the sun. It is called the " red Planet" because of its reddish appearance. It is a terrestrial planet and has a thin atmosphere. Mars has the largest mountain in the solar system which is Olympus Mons and the largest canyon which is called Valles Marineris. It has 2 moons called Phobos and Deimos and they are both small and ireegularly shaped.

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest in the solar system. Titan is classified as a moon, but is larger than Mercury and Pluto. It has a planet like atmosphere ans is more dense than Mercury, Earth, Mars and Pluto. It is mainly made up of nitrogen and other elements.

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